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Drain Pipe Installation Plano TX (What You Need To Know!)

Most people only really put much thought into the plumbing system and how it works in a home when problems arise. Of course, we all know that water flows through our faucets, our toilets flush, sinks and tubs drain, and our appliances use water, but how does it all work? Where does it all go, and how does it run so smoothly?

The entire plumbing system of a home relies heavily, if not completely, on the proper installation of the drainpipe system. Without this system being installed and put in place correctly, the entire plumbing system will not work correctly and can lead to clogged drains, terrible odors in the home, and much worse.

If you’re looking for drain pipe installation in Plano TX, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll give you an in-depth look at just how important the drain pipe installation is, and how it works.

What is a Drainage System?

A home’s plumbing system is made up of two main parts, each consisting of pipes and drains, each with a delegated task. The two main parts are the drainage system and the water supply.

The water supply is the set of pipes that run water to faucets, tubs, toilets, and appliances. On the opposite of that is the drainage system which directs and drains all of the used liquids and water out of the home, as well as ensuring odors, waste, and blockages continuously flow down and stay out.

While we often appreciate the water supply that we can actually see come into our homes, the drain pipe is just as important, if not more. We can always bring water into our homes, but we can’t always drain waste and dirty water out so easily. 

Proper drain pipe installation is paramount to having an efficient plumbing system and when done correctly, will actually save money in the long run on avoidable repairs. 

A Vertical Stack 

Often called a stack, a vertical stack is a pipe that runs vertically down from the roof at the top, down to the bottom where it connects to the drainpipe, which lays horizontally. It’s best to always install the stack before the supply lines because they have to be placed precisely or things won’t work as they’re meant to.

Most stacks are often placed in a central location of the home, during drain pipe installation, where the drain pipes can all connect to it. Ventilation pipes can also be connected to the stack and are most often placed in the attic area. 

Soil stacks, waste stacks, and vent stacks are 3 types of stacks that connect to the main stack during drain pipe installation. If you’re looking for drain pipe installation in Plano TX, the codes for each of these drain pipes to be installed are the same as the standard international plumbing codes

Sloping Drain Pipes

During the drain pipe installation process, sloping drains must be installed correctly for the entire drainage system to work properly and flow as it should. If the slope of the drain pipes is too steep, it can cause the water and liquid waste to flow more quickly than the solid waste, causing the solid waste to get stuck and create a blockage.

According to UpCodes, which shows the plumbing code of Plano, Texas, all drain pipes must be put in during drain pipe installation at a downward slant at a rate of ¼ inch per foot toward the slack. For the waste and liquids to run uniformly and smoothly, the pipe must be 3 inches lower than where it connects to the vent stack. 

Additionally, here is a great video to check out about drainage pipe slopes and the trench depth calculations:

Drain Traps

Drain traps are an important part of the drain pipe installation process because they keep odors from coming back into the home. They’re typically U-shaped which allows some water to sit at the bottom of the U-shape and keep all sewer smells from coming back into the home. They’re typically found under bathroom and kitchen sinks. 

Toilets typically come with their own drain trap and don’t need an additional one installed during drain pipe installation.

Water that’s held in this drain trap is replaced each time the fresh water is used so that it isn’t stagnant, smelly water sitting in one place. The water seals the pipe area so that no odors can seep through. If a slippery earring or goldfish falls down a sink, they will be safely resting in the U-shaped drain trap waiting for retrieval. 

The drain trap will connect to the vertical stacks just as all of the other drain pipes will. This is how the water and waste are delivered out of the home. The trap seal depth must be 1 ½ to 2 inches in depth, and not more than 4 inches, according to the International Plumbing Code

Drain Pipe Sizing

Choosing and using the correct drain pipe sizes is a vital part of drain pipe installation Plano, TX. It’s important to always remember when connecting pipes during drain pipe installation, that smaller pipes always drain into larger pipes, and not the larger pipes into smaller pipes. 

In Plano, Texas, building and plumbing codes require a minimum of 4 inches in diameter. The pipe length and diameter used during drain pipe installation vary depending on the circumstances and the purpose of the pipe. A professional plumber can help decide which drain pipe size is best for which circumstance. 


Equally important as everything else during drain pipe installation are the fittings. The fittings are what connect the drain pipes and depending on which one they’re being connected to, will determine which fitting is to be used. 

Connecting horizontal and vertical drain pipes through walls before they’re connected to a stack are called elbows. A slightly sloped elbow allows waste to move more efficiently and easily than a normal 90-degree angle of an elbow fitting. 

When connecting small drain pipes to large pipes a reducer fitting is used. T-shaped and Y-shaped reducers are used to connect to 3 pipes, giving maximum results.

Types of Drain Pipes 

Most types of pipes used for residential drain pipe installation in Plano, Texas are PVC drainage pipes. These pipes are easier handled by a professional plumber with the knowledge and tools to handle each situation. 

Professional plumbers, like us at Murley Plumbing, are aware of each building code and requirements, as well, making it a hassle-free repair or installation for home and business owners.

Professional Plumbing

Whether repairing or installing a drain pipe, it’s often best to call a professional plumber to better get an idea of exactly what’s needed. A professional plumber is well-versed in building and plumbing codes, as well as knowledgeable and experienced to handle each and every problem, installation, or task that’s needed. 

Oftentimes, installations and repairs require an array of tools to get the job done, and can be cost-effective to have a professional do the work. Having a professional diagnose, repair, or install drain pipes is also cost-effective as it saves homeowners time, energy, and confusion.

Murley Plumbing has serviced the area for over 20 years and has the know-how and care for each home to provide quality and top-notch service. 

Need help? Give us a call now! (903) 482-0067